One From The Heart was a movie directed by Francis Ford Coppola. It was a very expensive bomb, probably because they tried to recreate Las Vegas on a Hollywood backlot. DO NOT let that deter you from running to your nearest used record outlet and snapping up this soundtrack. Every second of it is divine. The unlikely coupling of Crystal Gayle and Tom Waits was genius. Tom met his wife, Kathleen Brennan while recording it too, they're still together. The important thing though, is the music. For Instance: Picking Up After You....
"The Roses are Dead and the Violets are too
And I'm sick and tired of picking up after you"
Broken Bicycles, Old Boyfriends (They Look you up when they're in town. To see if they can still burn you down), I Beg Your Pardon.....great songs, great poetry, great instrumentation, all moody and attitudey with horns and pianos that sound like they're coming from an empty nightclub while an old guy sweeps up..
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